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Making Connections with Matariki

Making Connections with Matariki



Matariki is a time to reflect on the past year, celebrate the present, and plan for the year ahead.

We've put together some ideas of ways to connect digital technologies and STEAM
to the themes and ideas of Matariki.

We have put in a mix of different activities that would suit students Years 0-8.
Some would suit younger students and some suit older students.
Some would be better done in guided groups or individually or as a whole class.
Have a look and pick and choose what might work with your ākonga in your context.

We hope these ideas inspire you and your ākonga this Matariki.



•Junior Primary
•Middle Primary
•Senior Primary
•Year 7-8



•Literacy - Reading
•Literacy - Writing
•Digital Technologies
•Aotearoa NZ Histories
•Te Reo Māori me ona Tikanga
•The Arts
•Across the Curriculum
•Numeracy - Strands
•Social Sciences

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