Unplugged Coding: Escaped Animals! | Digital Kete
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Unplugged Coding: Escaped Animals!

Unplugged Coding: Escaped Animals!



This is our GO TO unplugged coding lesson. It covers all of progress outcome 1 for computational thinking and really gets ākonga thinking! It is a versitile acitvity - you can easily adapt it to fit a context you have in your classroom or use some of our suggestions!

This resource contains teacher information, links to curriculum, key vocab, printable bdages, grids, left/right reminder prompts and student planning sheets.

This lesson is great to do when first introducing coding to students or when you want to explore coding concepts in a non-computerised setting. It can be scaffoled or supersized to suit different levels, abilities and skills.



•Junior Primary
•Middle Primary
•Senior Primary
•Year 7-8



•Social Sciences
•Literacy - Reading
•Literacy - Writing
•Numeracy - Number
•Numeracy - Strands
•Digital Technologies
•Aotearoa NZ Histories
•The Arts- Visual Art
•Key Competencies
•Across the Curriculum

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